Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104)

Deze Azure beheer training (AZ-104) leert hoe je Azure optimaal kunt beheren, waaronder virtuele machines aanmaken en schalen, hoe je opslagoplossingen implementeert en virtuele netwerken configureert. Verder leer je back-ups te maken en het delen van gegevens. Azure en on-premises sites verbinden, netwerkverkeer beheren, Azure Active Directory implementeren, identities te beveiligen en te monitoren.

De volgende onderwerpen komen in deze training aan bod: 

  •  Beheer van Azure in algemene zin
  •  Monitoren en beheren van (data) verbruik
  •  Opslagaccounts aanmaken en het importeren en exporteren van data
  •  Azure Backup instellen
  •  Instellen en beheer van virtuele machines
  •  Instellen en beheer van virtueel netwerk
  •  Beheer van identiteiten / gebruikers 
Behaal je graag de Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate certificering?
Na afronding van de training je optimaal voorbereid voor het AZ-104 examen. Door het behalen van dit examen beschik je over de Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate certificering.  

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Opdrachtgestuurd leren met persoonlijke begeleiding door onze ervaren trainers


  • Klassikale kick-off online sessie 1:                                        (Week 1, dag 1)
    • Uitleg over de materialen. Tevens klassikaal behandeling van de basis.
    • Tijdsduur: 3,5 uur 
  • Zelfstandig studeren met ondersteuning van eCoach
  • Klassikale training online sessie 2:                                       (Week 1, dag 2)
    • Deelnemers hebben de mogelijkheid tot het stellen van vragen over de lesstof
    • Tijdsduur: 3,5 uur 
  • Zelfstandig studeren met ondersteuning van eCoach
  • Klassikale training online sessie 3                                        (Week 3, dag 3)
    • Deelnemers hebben de mogelijkheid tot het stellen van vragen over de lesstof
    • Tijdsduur: 3,5 uur 
  • Zelfstandig studeren met ondersteuning van eCoach 
  • Klassikale training online sessie 4                                         (Week 3, dag 4)
    • Deelnemers hebben de mogelijkheid tot het stellen van vragen over de lesstof
    • Examentips
    • Tijdsduur: 3,5 uur 
  • Zelfstandig aan de slag met oefenexamens
  • Examen

Candidates for this exam (AZ-104) are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.Candidates for this exam should have proficiency in using PowerShell and the Command Line Interface. Candidates should have a basic familiarity or knowledge of Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.

Basiskennis Azure

Module 1: Identity

In this module, you will learn how to secure identities with Azure Active Directory, and implement users and groups.

  • Azure Active Directory
  • Users and Groups

Lab : Manage Azure Active Directory Identities

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Secure and manage identities with Azure Active Directory.
  • Implement and manage users and groups.

Module 2: Governance and Compliance

In this module, you will learn about managing your subscriptions and accounts, implementing Azure policies, and using Role-Based Access Control.

  • Subscriptions and Accounts
  • Azure Policy
  • Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Lab : Manage Subscriptions and RBAC
  • Lab : Manage Governance via Azure Policy

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement and manage Azure subscriptions and accounts.
  • Implement Azure Policy, including custom policies.
  • Use RBAC to assign permissions.

Module 3: Azure Administration

In this module, you will learn about the tools an Azure Administrator uses to manage their infrastructure. This includes the Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI, and Resource Manager Templates. This module includes:

  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure Portal and Cloud Shell
  • Azure PowerShell and CLI
  • ARM Templates
  • Lab : Manage Azure resources by Using the Azure Portal
  • Lab : Manage Azure resources by Using ARM Templates
  • Lab : Manage Azure resources by Using Azure PowerShell
  • Lab : Manage Azure resources by Using Azure CLI

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Leverage Azure Resource Manager to organize resources.
  • Use the Azure Portal and Cloud Shell.
  • Use Azure PowerShell and CLI.
  • Use ARM Templates to deploy resources.

Module 4: Virtual Networking

In this module, you will learn about basic virtual networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting, IP addressing, network security groups, Azure Firewall, and Azure DNS,

  • Virtual Networks
  • IP Addressing
  • Network Security groups
  • Azure Firewall
  • Azure DNS
  • Lab : Implement Virtual Networking

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement virtual networks and subnets.
  • Configure public and private IP addressing.
  • Configure network security groups.
  • Configure Azure Firewall.
  • Configure private and public DNS zones.

Module 5: Intersite Connectivity

In this module, you will learn about intersite connectivity features including VNet Peering, Virtual Network Gateways, and Site-to-Site Connections.

  • VNet Peering
  • VPN Gateway Connections
  • ExpressRoute and Virtual WAN
  • Lab : Implement Intersite Connectivity

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure VNet Peering.
  • Configure VPN gateways.
  • Choose the appropriate intersite connectivity solution.

Module 6: Network Traffic Management

In this module, you will learn about network traffic strategies including network routing and service endpoints, Azure Load Balancer, Azure Application Gateway, and Traffic Manager.

  • Network Routing and Endpoints
  • Azure Load Balancer
  • Azure Application Gateway
  • Traffic Manager
  • Lab : Implement Traffic Management

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Configure network routing including custom routes and service endpoints.
  • Configure an Azure Load Balancer.
  • Configure and Azure Application Gateway.
  • Choose the appropriate network traffic solution.

Module 7: Azure Storage

In this module, you will learn about basic storage features including storage accounts, blob storage, Azure files and File Sync, storage security, and storage tools.

  • Storage Accounts
  • Blob Storage
  • Storage Security
  • Azure Files and File Sync
  • Managing Storage
  • Lab : Manage Azure storage

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create Azure storage accounts.
  • Configure blob containers.
  • Secure Azure storage.
  • Configure Azure files shares and file sync.
  • Manage storage with tools such as Storage Explorer.

Module 8: Azure Virtual Machines

In this module, you will learn about Azure virtual machines including planning, creating, availability and extensions.

  • Virtual Machine Planning
  • Creating Virtual Machines
  • Virtual Machine Availability
  • Virtual Machine Extensions
  • Lab : Manage virtual machines

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Plan for virtual machine implementations.
  • Create virtual machines.
  • Configure virtual machine availability, including scale sets.
  • Use virtual machine extensions.

Module 9: Serverless Computing

In this module, you will learn administer serverless computing features like Azure App Service, Azure Container Instances, and Kubernetes.

  • Azure App Service Plans
  • Azure App Service
  • Container Services
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Lab : Implement Web Apps
  • Lab : Implement Azure Container Instances
  • Lab : Implement Azure Kubernetes Service

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create an app service plan.
  • Create a web app.
  • Implement Azure Container Instances.
  • Implement Azure Kubernetes Service.

Module 10: Data Protection

In this module, you will learn about backing up files and folders, and virtual machine backups.

  • File and Folder Backups
  • Virtual Machine Backups
  • Lab : Implement Data Protection

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Backup and restore file and folders.
  • Backup and restore virtual machines.

Module 11: Monitoring

In this module, you will learn about monitoring your Azure infrastructure including Azure Monitor, alerting, and log analytics.

  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Alerts
  • Log Analytics
  • Network Watcher
  • Lab : Implement Monitoring

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use Azure Monitor.
  • Create Azure alerts.
  • Query using Log Analytics.
  • Use Network Watcher.

Je kunt hier het examen boeken voor deze training: az-104

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Leerzame training met veel tips
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Carien gaf duidelijke uitleg en wilde zo veel mogelijk van haar kennis delen.

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Code: AZ-104
Dagen: 4 dagdelen
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